
"Geography is the study of the earth, its land, features, inhabitants and the phenomenons that occurs. The study of Geography is to learn how to describe or write about Earth."

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Studying for common test

Study tips

1. Read through the question carefully and give the RELEVANT ANSWERS.


2. Create a study list and prioritise what is the most important to start first.
3. Remain calm and not panic during the exam.
  4. No sleeping or wasting precious time during the paper!

Lastly, smile and be glad that its all over!
Feedback about the Class test 1
- Most of you have problems spelling the names of the countries and continents. Incorrect spelling results in marks be deducted, therefore please be careful.
- You need to memorize the correct location and be able to label the world map and asia map

Common Test

Hi class,

The common test is held on the 15th August Wednesday. The following will be tested:
1. Mapwork - 7 continents, 5 oceans, lines of latitudes and longitudes, Asia countries and capitals
2. Map reading - Measuring distance, directions and bearings, contour lines and contour interals, grid squares and grid references (4 and 6 figure), settlement paterns.

I will be returning the test papers next week, please ensure that you do the corrections and get your parents to sign it.

File check: 7th August (REC lesson)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


1.Common Test is held on the 15th August Wednesday. The topics to be tested are on Mapwork (Oceans, Continents, Asia countries and capitals, Longtitudes and latitudes)

2. ATT - dateline on 8th Aug. Create a 5 min video including the introduction of the disaster, 5 survival items, how citizens should react). Submit through thumbdrive or CD.

Lesson 1: Uses of map
- Understand that maps are graphical representations of the earth and there are many uses of maps.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Class test 1: Thursday 19th July

The file check will be held on Thursday too! Please ensure that all your worksheets are in.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Questions regarding map work

Question 1:
Where is the Bermuda triangle?
It is in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean.

2. Please refer to the corrected CAPITALS of the following countries below:
- Burma = Naypyidar
- Mongolia = Ulaanbaatar
- Sri Lanka - Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte

The answers to the introduction is here:

1. Latitudes are imaginary horizontal lines running in east-west direction around the earth.
2. Latitude 0 degrees is also known as the Equator.
3. The northern and southern halves of the Earth are called hemisphere.
4. Longitude passes through a place near London named Greenwich.
5. Longitude 0 degrees is also known as the Prime Meridien.
6. The international date line lies directly opposite of longitude 0 degrees.
7. The international date line has a longtitude of 180 degrees East and West.
8. As you move from latitude 0 degrees to the South or North pole, the latitudes increase in value.
9. When describing the location of a place, we always refer to the longtitude after the latitude.

Please know the spellings and location of the places given eg MISSISSIPPI river!